



passive tobacco smoking, in utero exposure, nephroprotective effect, pharmaceutical composition, L-carnitine


Introduction. Passive tobacco smoking is an unfavorable environmental factor, which remains quite common among pregnant women. Nicotine reduces the activity of uteroplacental circulation, which leads to fetal hypoxia that is the pathogenetic basis of structural changes in the kidneys and the risk of developing kidney disease in the periods of life remote from birth. The aim of the study is to investigate the histostructural features of the kidneys in the offspring of mothers who received a pharmaceutical composition based on L-carnitine in the modeling of passive smoking during pregnancy. Materials and methods. The following experimental stages were carried out: modeling of passive smoking and administration of the test substances to the experimental groups during pregnancy, autopsy of offspring at the age of 11 months with further assessment of histostructural features of the kidneys. Results. The effect of passive tobacco smoking during fetal development on the histostructural features of the kidneys is manifested in mature rats by negative signs: reduction in the number and size of renal corpuscles, increase in the lumen of the capsule of Shumlansky- Bowman and the diameter of the lumen of convoluted tubules, reduction in the diameter of the afferent arteriole, arteriosclerosis, as well as pronounced foci of protein dystrophy of the epithelium of the convoluted tubules of the cortex, characterized by increased nephrocyte desquamation and the formation of protein cylinders in the lumen of convoluted tubules. The nephroprotective effect of a pharmaceutical composition based on L-carnitine at a dose of 25 mg/kg in offspring of mothers with a reproduced model of passive smoking during pregnancy was proved, as a decrease in negative changes in renal histology was observed, as evidenced by the presence of only small foci of protein dystrophy, as well as the dynamics of approaching histostructural parameters of the renal parenchyma of the intact control group.


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