statistics, comparative analysis, rotator cuff, rotator arthropathy, unfortunate triad of shoulderAbstract
The aim of study was a statistical and comparative analysis of the treatment of patients with complicated and chronic tears of the rotator cuff of the shoulder. Materials and methods. Complicated and chronic injuries of the rotator cuff of the shoulder occupy one of the leading places in the structure of instability of the shoulder joint and, according to various data in the literature, make up to 60%. These injuries are characterized by gradualness and require long-term treatment, lead to loss of working capacity, and in some cases to disability. We conducted an analysis of the results of treatment of patients aged 37 to 78 years with complicated and chronic tears of the rotator cuff of the shoulder. Patients were divided into two clinical groups: – the comparison group included 60 (66,6%) patients with complicated and chronic tears of the shoulder rotator cuff, which undergo different types of surgical treatments; – the second group (main) included 30 (33,4%) patients with complicated and chronic tears of the rotator cuff of the shoulder, which undergo surgical treatment chosen by mentioned in article algorithm. Results. The analysis of the obtained results confirmed a statistically significant reduction by 20% (p < 0,05) of the average terms of inpatient treatment of patients who were treated according to the developed method in comparison with the control group. The conducted data analysis showed that among patients of the control group clinical group, the number of excellent (21,67%), good (13,33%) and satisfactory (18,33%) results. Unsatisfactory results were noted in 13,33%. The average indicator of treatment results was 67,2 ± 1,0. In the main clinical group of 30 patients, excellent results were obtained in 19 (63,33%), good – in 8 (26,66%), satisfactory in 2 (6,66%) and unsatisfactory in 1 (1,66%) patient. The average rate of evaluation of treatment results was 79,9 ± 0,6 that on 18,9% was higher than in control group (р < 0,05).
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