
  • N. M. Vengrin
  • A. M. Krychkovska
  • A. O. Mylyanych
  • N. Ya. Monka




medicines, import substitution, industrial production, equipment, unified lines


The Ukrainian pharmaceutical market in terms of the volume of medicines produced from domestic active pharmaceutical ingredients is studied and analyzed the example of the medicinal product Paracetamol. The author proves the need to develop various logistical solutions and approaches to saturate the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine in times of war. The possibility of creating and using mobile pharmaceutical medium (small) production lines with unified equipment has been proposed and proved, which will allow to produce domestic medicines and meet the needs of the population and the armed forces of Ukraine. Objective. The purpose of the study is to investigate the possibility of creating mobile, unified pharmaceutical production lines of medium (small) capacity with combinatorial equipment that ensures uninterrupted production of domestic medicines in the realities of war. Materials and methods of the study. The study was based on the data from the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, catalogs of unified standard equipment for pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises. The following methods were used in the study: systematic approach, observation, synthesis, abstraction, analysis and generalization. One of the most common methods of empirical research is observation – a purposeful passive study of objects. Synthesis is the combination of previously separated parts of an object into a single whole. Abstraction is the mental separation of an object from its relations with others. Analysis is the dismemberment of an object into its components for the purpose of their independent study. Synthesis, analysis and abstraction were used by us when studying the possibility of using unified experimental production lines both for teaching higher education students in medical higher education institutions and for the manufacture of medicines during the war. The generalization of the common features of a group of objects to all objects of this set is used to generalize and substantiate the idea of using unified medium and small production lines for the manufacture of medicines by forms of release of medicines with different active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).


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