
  • D. V. Usenko
  • А. А. Bielinska
  • М. Yu. Slutska



high-frequency chest wall oscillation, pneumonia, children


Introduction. Pneumonia remains an important medical and social problem in pediatrics and requires new modern approaches to its managment. High-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) is one of the innovative non-drug methods of restoring the drainage of the bronchial tree, which can be included in the daily therapeutic complex of pneumonia in children. Objective. To study the influence of high-frequency chest wall oscillation on the dynamics of clinical symptoms of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children. Materials and methods. The research included 121 children aged 6 to 17 years (11.73 ± 0.53 years) with acute and uncomplicated course of moderate CAP. Among the surveyed children there were 65 (61.27±8.2%) boys and 56 (52.74±7.4%) girls, who were divided into two groups. The first group (FG) consisted of 61 children (35 boys and 26 girls), who were prescribed basic therapy (BT) and procedures of HFCWO using the device “The Vest”. The second group (SG) included 60 children (27 boys and 33 girls) who received only BT. Results. The positive dynamics of clinical symptoms on the background of the complex treatment of acute and uncomplicated CAP with the use of HFCWO procedures was observed in children of FG due to the fact that some symptoms disappeared probably earlier. First of all, it concerned the intensity and productivity of cough, auscultatory changes in the lungs. In most children of FG was normalized by the end of the course of complex treatment, only in isolated cases there was a slight cough and sputum in a small amount. Whereas in SG children there was a productive cough and a discharge of more sputum, which required a prolongation of basic treatment. Conclusion. The results of the study allow to recommend as an adjunct to the basic therapy of pneumonia the procedure of high-frequency chest wall oscillation to restore the functioning of the respiratory tract in children.

The article is available at the Institutional Repository of Odesa National Medical University


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