



emotional stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental health.


The influence of psycho-traumatic factors within the psycho-emotional reactions of an individual to traumatic stress caused by the occurrence of too strong mental stress in the form of a real threat to life was considered. The article aims to study the impact of combat mental trauma on the mental health of the military with post-traumatic stress disorder and mental and behavioral disorders. Materials and methods. 280 people participated in the study. Based on the results of the MMSE test and the MoCA test, mild cognitive impairment was diagnosed “Moderate cognitive impairment”. Deviations from the norm were observed in all patients of the main group compared to the control group (p<0.05). The main value of using the scales was to draw the attention of specialists to the role of cognitive deviations in mental health disorders. The results. In order to objectively assess the results of the research on the presence and impact of the syndrome of mild cognitive decline due to the action of factors of an extreme situation in the presence of symptoms of combat PTSD, cognitive functioning disorders were determined by comparing the obtained results of neuropsychological testing of patients to further use these data in the development of a set of measures for neurocognitive recovery of the relevant group of patients. According to the MMSE scale, 202 (87.8%) of the main group had mild cognitive impairment, 16 (6.9%) had moderate, and 12 (5.2%) had severe. Control group (50 cadets) – 14 (38.0%) persons had mild impairments, and 3 (6%) persons had moderate cognitive impairments. Quantitative analysis of cognitive function disorders showed that 230 (100%) patients of the main group and 23 (46.0%) of the control group had cognitive function disorders. The listed cognitive disorders are associated with functional deficiency, a decrease in the level of energy support for mental activity and a change in the general background components of human activity and alcohol abuse, which indicates a mental health disorder.


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