national security, component of national security, human security, pharmaceutical security.Abstract
The research aims to define the essence of pharmaceutical security by considering it as a component of national security and its interrelated and interdependent elements. Materials and methods. The general scientific methods of cognition were applied: analysis and synthesis, content analysis, modeling, and generalization. The study was based on 24 articles published between 2013 and 2024, retrieved from electronic search databases such as Google Scholar and PubMed, and the references contained in these articles, as well as one report and two regulatory safety documents. At the same time, the following key words were used (and their combinations): national security/safety, component of national security/safety, human security/safety, and pharmaceutical security/safety. Results. It was found that interpretations of national security rely on two conceptual approaches – human-centric and value-oriented. It was identified 20 components of national security, including pharmaceutical security. Disagreements in scientists’ views of the relationship between the components of national, state and economic security were shown, in particular, the attribution of pharmaceutical security by some of them to economic security. According to the analysis of scientific approaches to interpreting pharmaceutical security, the author’s interpretation was proposed. This should be understood as an inseparable part of national security characterized by such a development of pharmacy, which ensures the satisfaction of public needs for equal access to high-quality pharmaceutical care. The main elements of pharmaceutical safety were determined. Modeling links of pharmaceutical security with economic security, human security, medical security, social security, humanitarian security, public security and order, environmental security, informational security, and cyber security was carried out. Conclusions. The essence of pharmaceutical security and its relationship with other components of national security was substantiated.
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