
  • Yu. V. Kozlova
  • V. V. Koldunov
  • G. A. Klopotskyi



blast injury, device, experiment, brain


The widespread use of explosive devices in military conflicts leads to an increase in blast injuries to organs, which differ from classic mechanical injuries by the mechanism of damage and clinical signs. The special attention of both clinicians and theoreticians is attracted by blast brain traumatic injury, since its course is distinguished by the appearance of cognitive-behavioral disorders in an acute period and the development of neurodegeneration in the remote period. However, the pathogenesis is currently largely undisclosed, and all experimental studies differ in modeling methods. So, we made an analysis of modern literature in order to establish the differences between devices for creating an explosive wave and, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages, we proposed our own device, which is safe and guaranteed to generate an explosive wave of the pressure necessary for damage.

The article is available at the Institutional Repository of Odesa National Medical University


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