adaptation, martial law, medical university, first-year studentAbstract
Ukraine and the Ukrainian higher education system are currently experiencing one of the most difficult periods of their existence. Conducting training under martial law is a task of increased complexity. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of adaptation of first-year students to study at a medical university under martial law with distance learning; to suggest ways to overcome difficulties at the initial stage of study; to find effective ways to improve the quality of the educational process. The research method chosen was anonymous testing of first-year students (302 people) of the medical and dental faculties on the Google Forms platform. It is noted that most students adapted to the real conditions of life already in the second month of studying at the university: online learning, martial law, moving to bomb shelters, controlling their worries and transition to adulthood, problems with the Internet, speed of response and the ability to do everything on time. 8% of students have not adapted to these conditions. They usually demonstrate a low level of knowledge of the educational material, they do not contact with other students in the group or behave aggressively towards them, conflict with teachers or do not attend classes and are expelled from the institution. Results and conclusions. The adaptation process requires pedagogical support, namely, the identification of socio-pedagogical conditions that ensure its effectiveness in the educational structure. To improve students’ adaptation, we recommend that curators and psychologists of higher education institutions pay more attention to first-year students. It is necessary to form counselling centres for students, study their real needs in the conditions of war, conduct systematic conversations and educational activities, form professional readiness for future activities, increase the level of motivation, and optimise the educational process.
The article is available at the Institutional Repository of Odesa National Medical University
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