
  • H. P. Bardov
  • O. P. Vavrinevych
  • M. V. Kondratiuk
  • T. I. Zinchenko




fungicide, general sanitary regime of water bodies, nitrogen-containing compounds, dissolved oxygen, active reaction of water


During the registration of chemical preparations with new active substances, it is necessary to conduct thorough research on their impact on the general sanitary regime of water bodies. The aim of the study. In the article we raised a question of the relevance of the hygienic approach to the assessment of the flutolanil based fungicide application safety to human and environment and its effect on the sanitary regime of water bodies for domestic and drinking, cultural and household purposes. Materials and methods. Hygienic studies of the flutolanil influence on the processes, taking place in water of the model water bodies, were carried out. The amount of studied active substance, affecting organoleptic properties, the biochemical oxygen consumption, the dynamics of the saprophyte microflora, the nitrogen content of ammonia, the nitrogen of nitrites and nitrates, was determined, as well as the content of dissolved oxygen in water and the active reaction of water (pH). The sanitary-toxicological index of hazard was calculated. Statistical calculations of the arithmetic mean, the error of mean and significant difference between the means were also performed. As a result of the conducted studies, it was established that concentration of flutolanil in water bodies at 0,001 mg/dm3 is the threshold by the organoleptic and by general sanitary index of hazard (according to the sanitary-toxicological indicator index of hazard is 0,06 mg/dm3). Conclusions. It was substantiated the maximum permissible concentration of flutolanil in water for domestic and drinking, cultural and household purposes – 0,001 mg/dm3 (the limiting index based on organoleptic and general sanitary indices of hazard). It is perspective to use the obtained results to predict the danger of deterioration of the sanitary condition of water bodies due to using compounds of the benzamide class.

The article is available at the Institutional Repository of Odesa National Medical University http://journal.odmu.edu.ua/?p=7559&lang=en


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