


chronic unpredictable stress, thyroid gland, adenohypophysis, parathyroid gland, triiodothyronine, thyroxine, pathophysiological mechanisms


A comprehensive investigation of the neuropathophysiological mechanisms mediating the stress response becomes more important. Among the stress reaction characteristic properties experts note its chronic nature, the presence of new triggers, frequent cases of stress reaction comorbidity with pathological conditions and/or diseases initiated by body’s regulatory systems functional activity disturbances. The work aims to study triiodothyronine, thyroxine, parathyroid hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration in the dynamics of chronic unpredictable stress. Materials and methods. A model of chronic unpredictable stress was reproduced in rats. The concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine, thyroxine, and parathyroid hormone was determined in the blood of animals on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 35th days of the trial. Results and discussion. T3 and T4 content was equal to 2.49±0.22 nmol/l and 23.6±1.9 nmol/l, respectively, on the 7th day of the trial, which was 30.4% and 40.5% more compared with the same control data (p<0.05). TSH concentration in the blood of rats during two weeks of the trial did not differ from such index in control observations. The concentration of parathyroid hormone in the blood of the rats of the experimental group on the 7th day of the trial was 25.1±2.2 pg/l, which turned out to be 51.2% more when compared with a similar index in control measurements. Therefore, the pronounced changes in the concentration of iodide-containing hormones, TSH and parathormone were detected in the dynamics of unpredictable stress. The authors, taking into account the identified hormonal profile of adenohypophysis, thyroid and parathyroid glands secretion under chronic unpredictable stress resulting in the thyroid gland hyper and then hypofunction, consider it reasonable to perform a set of trials aimed at thyroid gland secretory activity normalization throughout the chronic stress for sanogenic stress-limiting mechanisms strengthening.


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