


ovarian cancer, immunohistochemistry, markers, caspase-3, CD68


Ovarian cancer (OC) is the most common gynecological oncological disease, ranking third after body and cervical cancer. Pathological biomineralization (calcification) is one of the clinical manifestations of ovarian cancer. Calcification is characteristic of serous adenocarcinoma and is presented as psammoma bodies (PB). Calcification develops in the early stages of the tumor process. The aim is to study the immunohistochemical features of OC tissue with pathological biomineralization. Materials and methods. We examined 30 ovarian cancer samples with pathological biomineralization (group I) and 30 without pathological biomineralization (group II). All samples were examined histologically and immunohistochemically using OPN, OPG, RANKL, SPARC, Casp3, and CD68. Results. An immunohistochemical study revealed a higher expression of OPN in group I (73.34 ± 4.25 cells in the field of view with a diameter of 1 mm) compared to group II (26.93 ± 1.88 cells in the field of view), p < 0.001. OPG expression was 63.07 ± 3.52 and 58.57 ± 3.54 cells in the field of view for groups I and II, respectively. A positive reaction to RANKL was detected in 56.37 ± 3.30 cells in the field of view with a diameter of 1 mm for group I and in 54.52 ± 3.49 cells in the field of view for group II. No significant difference was found when analyzing the expression of OPG and RANKL. SPARC expression was lower in group I (48.32 ± 3.26 cells in the field of view with a diameter of 1 mm) compared to group II (63.19 ± 3.39 cells in the field of view), p < 0.01. CD68 expression in group I was 52.44 ± 3.37 cells in the field of view with a diameter of 1 mm; in group II – 60.87 ± 3.14 cells in the field of view, without a significant difference according to the Student’s test. In addition, the expression of Саsp3 in I was higher (57.31 ± 2.97 cells in the field of view, p < 0.05). This fact may indicate the stimulating effect of biomineral deposits on the intensity of apoptosis in tumor tissue. This phenomenon deserves a more detailed study.


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