


facial reconstruction, facial blood supply, V/Y flap, perforator flaps


Background. Y perforator flaps for facial reconstruction have gained great popularity in the last years. The advantages compared to randomized local flaps are the marked increased arc of rotation and transfer length as well as less lymphatic congestion. The paper aims to show the field of application in facial reconstruction and has the purpose to serve as a continuing education. Methods. With 6 clinical case presentations the versatility and some refinements of V/Y perforator flaps for facial reconstruction are presented. The general principle of the operative procedure is explained in detail. Results. Beside the well-known treatment options for the different facial areas with different perforator containing layers a novel myocutaneous forehead flap is introduced for reconstruction of a supraorbital defect. Conclusion. During the last years, V/Y perforator flaps have become an important tool for functional and aesthetical sufficient facial reconstruction. And it has proven its right of existence in facial plastic surgery.


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